It is like a person thinking with only half a brain! Saudi woman, MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT IN MIND BODY AND SPIRIT ERGO IN THE WAY THERE MADE biology AND THE WAY IN WHICH THEIR MIND SET IS DIFFERENT get it!!!!!!!!!! Lets say a young male and female from the US and England meet eachother in Saudi Arabia. ", Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. The bible now a days available is not that bible which was written by the God almighty bcoz after jesus the bloody crusades amended your bible and you also believe that its been amended. The third part of the Saudi court system consists of various committees within government ministries that address specific disputes, such as labor issues. Judicial floggings continued in 1997. One that I heard of isthat they go in groups. God is perfect and he wrote that bible perfectly, human being is imperfect who wrote the bible imperfectly. The flogging and imprisonment sentences against the Arab woman and two Saudi men were upheld by the countrys appeal court. If it is not then it would seem it would be better to try and die soon to get to the after life. A community cannot flourish if leaders surpress half of its population. An overview of the legal system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Court structure, judiciary and legal representation. But that doesnt make all Saudi people bad. The article also claims that there is unhappiness in the country about inconsistent sentencing, suggests that there are too many flogging sentences, and calls on the government to codify the laws. Another important factor in the justice system is the method of legal proceedings in Saudi courts, the seven judicial services, arbitration for commercial disputes and contacting licensed lawyers. I dont know about expatriates but with Saudis, the man and woman are separated at the spot and questioned to see if their stories correspond. Thanks for the insight by the way. So you want our Glorious Quran to be re written so that this Glorious Quran can be turned into corrupted scriptures written by people of so called 21st century just as how the Christians have done with their bible and the Jews with their scripturesthese ignorant people sold Gods words for moneythey werent worshiping God in first place they were worshiping money(also currently the 21st century god of humankind). the punishment you state is not harsh. You say that jacqueline I believe youre french so why is there so much theft here in our country if you find the solution ? Why did so many people accuse Muhammad of being crazy? [4]:160 The reforms have yet to be implemented in full but, once they are, will include the creation of a Supreme Court,[4]:160 and the transfer of the Board of Grievances' commercial and criminal jurisdictions to a restructured general court system. Answer, youre not supposed to go out in the first place. As one would expect when there are so many of them, the strokes are not particularly hard. Emergency Contact Numbers. So dont ask questions just live with a faith that is likely flawed (since you cant ask questions about it, presumably under the threat of physical attack). Where on heavens do we get to hear about several heads of Saudis getting knocked off in one day? about that. but. Under sharia, do women suddenly, magically acquire a full brain and mind when they are seen to step out of line (or just be accused of that)? Ok, but what about foreigners or tourists. Dont be proud to reject the word of God. please change the system of punishment. you sure about that? Consulate/Visa Section:(202) 944-3126 Saudi Arabia is a unique tax jurisdiction where companies based in the Kingdom are generally subject to two different tax regimes - Zakat and/or Income Tax - based on the nationality of their owners. Singles are imprisoned and whipped. SHAKIR: O you who believe! Legally, people with disabilities are protected under the Basic Law of Governance in accordance with the Islamic law, which ensures justice, equality and prohibits discrimination against all individuals of society, including the disabled. But, I personally assume her as ignorant or the one spreading false meanings about Divine preordainment. Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States said on Wednesday that maintaining the long-standing strategic partnership between Riyadh and Washington was "beyond critically necessary" for global stability. Please watch the movie The Stoning of Soraya M. you can see how barbaric Iranians can be. [10]:81, The capabilities and reactionary nature of the judges have been criticized. Good grief what barbaric laws you have lashes,cutting off body parts and beheadings Saudi needs to update its laws and stop living in the dark ages !! I can see how such topics can be difficult to discuss, I dont agree on authorities penalizing Khilwa, it will never stop, and it cant be dealt with as such, capital punishments deserve to be visited by scholars for re-evaluation of a more evidence-based, constructive and less harmful punishments, keep on blogging!!! In the words of a Canadian nurse who worked in the largest hospital in the Saudi capital, Riyadh: "The lashings are brutal and excruciatingly painful; they [the women] will bear the scars physically and psychologically for a long time. And even if there is this great concern about relations between men and women, why is it so wrong? Essentially then there is no answer to my question? Shariah presumes that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty, and only in serious crimes or in cases of repeat offenders is one likely to witness severe punishments. i have done court marriage !! The USA doesnt execute people for extra-marital sex though, or similarly ridiculous reasons, as Saudi Arabia does. [4]:160 Another important change is the establishment of appeal courts for each province. Women as well as men may be flogged. The Ministerial Agency of Civil Affairs also launched the Taqdeer Service, which provides all the necessary services to the elderly by visiting them at home. :S Can you help me? How do you know whether or not Muhammad suffered from schizophrenia? SAUDI ARABIA: Judicial CP A very conservative version of Koranic law is in force in this exceptionally backward, corrupt and repressive country, a ruthless totalitarian dictatorship run by an absolute monarchy. The report for 2000 adds that 5 persons were sentenced to 2,600 lashes, and 4 persons to 2,400 lashes, for "deviant sexual behavior". Saudi Arabia is also working with multilateral institutions to provide support to Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, as part of the kingdom's largesse to nations it deems "vulnerable," Al-Jadaan said. Reveals that the Saudi authorities have contested the UN view that judicial corporal punishment constitutes torture. When I first went to Saudi Arabia, the mutawas were very active, but as the years passed, became more and more aggressive. If the authorizer does not attend, it is not valid for the attorney to acknowledge the claimed right, or assignment, or conciliation, or accept the oath, direct it, or return it, or leave the litigation, or waive the judgment - in whole or in part - or through any of the methods of appeal against it, revoking the legal interdiction, leaving the mortgage with the debt remaining, or claiming forgery, or the judges recusal, or the choice of the expert, unless he is authorized to do so in the mandate. 1.Salvation for Atrsl Bay Osman to Atrsl Messages Obviously he will be convicted but should he be sent to jail or set free now he isnt a threat to society? Infidelity is an automatic death sentence. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. In Saudi Arabia, the girls are held down by a policewoman while they are whipped by a man. ", Among women subjected to the lash in the Saudi prison of Malaz in 1993 was an Indonesian maid who, according to a fellow prisoner, "had been starved and tortured for two years. Crime is the Price a Free Society pays for its Freedom. How much time does it take to give u punishment is there any age limit? Sometimes, there are alot of stories, where in some poor developing countries workers are setup for the crimes they have not committed. The way these girls are treated is simple cruelty; you could perhaps call it sadism. But I do appreciate your fair representation of cases. And then they convict her for a crime that she never committed. Among the most important groups of society, people with disabilities are given access to their rights through continuously enhanced services dedicated to them, providing the necessary prevention, care and rehabilitations methods that help prevent, reduce and detect early stages of disabilities with the aim to minimize their effects. you are really a big mother dam fucker go fuck your self chris because your mind is not in your heAD ITS IN YOUR BLOODY SMELLY ASSS you peoples are cowards bloody fucking christians good for nothing. i heard it once..der is s0me seas0n that NEW mutawwas roam ar0und t0 catch s0me pe0ple they knw is n0t related and they knw als0 isnt d0ing anythng wr0ng except that they accidentally met in st0re and chat f0r awhileif they catched plenty..they g0t 500sr or s0me am0utn each pers0nand this gives them g0od remarks t0 the organizationand yes..they are m0re strict t0 n0n-arabic-speaking pe0ple in kingd0m..s0metimes its very unfairm0re saudi girls g0 out with saudi boys but they cnt determine c0z they are c0vered. What I mean is, how did the religious state acquire the right to treat people in this way? One day the crunch will come and, as always, the rich elite will survive and the rest will be devastated. [4]:159 Cases are adjudicated by single judges,[4]:159 except criminal cases if the potential sentence is death, amputation or stoning when there is a panel of three judges. This happens "sometimes". furthermore your hand is not cutt off for petty thievery but they have to steal a substantial amount that equates to 1 gold piece and for those idiots who preach about democracy and freedom of righ in the western countries women are still payed less than men and the majority of workers in top works are men and in America known as the land of the free capital punishment still takes place for people only to question saudi arabia and not America only states how narrow minded you really are. You would turn on your own kin, for doing things that are our biological nature. Tmn menetelmn pitisi mys olla huomaamaton a helppokyttinen. Question, How about just a business meeting or any other meeting? Thats not acceptable. Regarding the khalwah, it is a sin yet as long as they are not proved to commit sex etc they cant be punish. Great Post, The quote by another comment above by a blogger called asmallquietvoiceinthedark summarised it all perfectly,Youre like a slave so broken by the machinery of slavery that you defend your slave masters against your own kind and your own interests. Sylvain Beauchamp. A cane or a crop is used to beat the victim and in many cultures it takes place in a public venue, continuing the theme of public humiliation. , please if someone made a mistake to steal it doesnt mean she should be punished like that. Why does Muhammads ascension story sound so strikingly similar to Jesus ascension? Unless we are the victims, we tend to sympathise with criminals. An Asian diplomat at first refused to discuss the condition of maids who came to his embassy after being whipped. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT TOLERANT of any other faiths. Now, he is in jail as MOFA found out that the Nikah Nama he was trying to attest is fake and also the authorities discovered that his conversion to Islam is not complete. Wow, so if you ask questions you might find that the answers prove that your faith is flawed and you should abandon it? I tired to fake that i was a foreigner by only . Mentions that hundreds of political demonstrators were sentenced to flogging, but it was not known whether these sentences had been carried out. Both my husband and I did not say anything so I dont know if it was cut off as punishment or due to an accident or illness but I bet lots of people wonder when they meet him. No Real Ethic or Morality; Only Rules. Bamboo is too stiff and brittle to behave like a whip.). sentenced to be deported to her native Syria on completion of her prison term inspite of being married to a Saudi national for many years!! In cases where a confession is made, then other things come into play, such as was it consensual or rape and whether either of them was married at the time. Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association, "Saudi Arabia: Renewed Protests Defy Ban", "Tentative steps in Saudi Arabia: The king of Saudi Arabia shows some reformist credentials", "Saudi Arabian justice: Cruel, or just unusual? On October 1, 2007, a royal order approved the new system. If the plaintiff is absent from a hearing and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the court case will be cancelled. On the day designated for hearing the case, the litigants will attend themselves, or whoever acts on their behalf. However, it is permissible for them to do so on behalf of their spouses, their ascendants, their descendants, and those under their legal jurisdiction. Saudi Arabia - Judicial Costs Regulations. It is long past time for homophobia, misogyny, and moral judgment based on immoral books to be things of the past, and most of all long past time that we left behind the divisive and judgmental effects of mythologies from thousands of years ago. Very good analogy, and even more impressive that it comes from someone called Abdul. Good journalism is to create discussion and thinking and she just did. [6]:187 Although most judges have been educated and appointed under the current system, some of the older judges received the traditional qadi's training of years of instruction by a religious mentor in a mosque. Some of these reforms have been bolder and more successful than others. If you are believing that they are also muslims and they behave well with muslims. The court, however, rejected this argument. (LogOut/ Different reports suggest that, as one might expect under a regime where the rule of law is a wholly alien concept, there are no formal procedures and little consistency about the modus operandi: either a whip, a leather strap, or a long cane may be used; sometimes the lashes are confined to the buttocks, more often it seems they are spread out from the neck to the ankles, and usually with the prisoner simply lying face down on the ground. Commercial Office:(202) 337-4088 O ye who believe! In addition to brutal punishment, law in KSA is dispensed in a haphazard way by religious scholars and many innocent people are brutally punished. let me know what will be the solution for a person. The following 40-second video clip was filmed surreptitiously on a mobile telephone. Australian Prime Minister John Howard has sharply criticised Saudi Arabia for jailing and flogging an Australian man for a crime allegedly committed by his wife. Failure to do one of the aforementioned conditions leads to the opponent being considered absent. How he appears at the sentencing decides his fate more than anything else. Daisy, "We tried to see what we could do, but the wheels of justice had turned. See a pattern? ohkay ! 5. Photo of public judicial caning in Saudi Arabia, Oct 1977. After all, theres quite a lot about the Islamic way of life which is more positive and this should be recognised. As a muslim, I am proud of an islamic law . It is terrible things in your country. Isnt that a flagrant violation of the Sharia Law? After the divorce, he took our baby and I am unable to see son. a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! if yes like cutting head its very very very wrong boz both are agree male and female then why punishment?? The police is completely biased. If you have so much decision making ability, then prevent yourself from death. There is need for such articles to know about Saudi Arabic, Saudiwoman, it must be sureeal to have such large debates spring from your words. If the plaintiff is absent and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the case will be cancelled and will not be open to resumption without a decision from the Supreme Court. If the defendant is absent from the agreed upon upcoming hearing without a valid or excusable reason, the court will rule on the case and its judgement against the defendant will be deemed as in absentia or not in attendance. [8], In 2008, the Specialized Criminal Court was created. Think, Criticize, Examine, and lets change the world. What if Muhammad was simply a popular folk figure whos story was blown out of proportion? Its no better than a 5 year olds thinking. The Online Dispute Resolution Protocol is designed to resolve small disputes, with a cap amount of 200,000 SAR, quickly, fairly, and inexpensively in order to move on with their business relationship. According to Sharia Law it is prohibited to bring a female domestic aide to Saudi Arabia without a Mahram (husband, father or brother) accompanying her and staying with her the entire duration of her contract. They are specialized in enforcing the following: Laws are issued in the Kingdom after passing five stages that are completed by the constitutional systems. They take the passports of expats and harrass them as bonded labours. [10]:81 The training received from such Sharia law degrees is entirely religious in character and is based on the Qu'ran and centuries old religious treatises with no reference to, for example, modern commercial issues. They force people to work from 7 in the morning to 10 in the night sometimes till 12 in the midnight.without overtime payment. Scandinavia probably has the most equal male and female relations and is the safest for women, while the Muslim countries have the least and probably are some of the least safe for women. [3], The Sharia courts have general jurisdiction over most civil and criminal cases. Jai Babu, I really doubt much has changed in KSA, its just one of those countries. This guy was a young apparently healthy Saudi guy and one of his hands was cut right at the wrist. Currently, Saudi Arabia has a dual judicial system comprised of the Shari'ah Courts System (al-Mahakim al-Shariy'ah) and an independent administrative judiciary known as the Board of Grievances (Diwan a l-Mazalem). The is first fallacy , because its not Saudi law , its Islamic law. The litigants will attend themselves, or similarly ridiculous reasons, as Saudi Arabia leads to the after life to... False meanings about Divine preordainment heard of isthat they go in groups Criminal cases 3 ], rich! 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