We all make mistakes, but did he ever cry or ask for forgiveness from the man himself, or at least pretend he asked for forgiveness, and why did he try to escape after he was murdered? Whether speeding or not . Its enough. He deserves to be put back in and a couple more years. How ironic for a Stacy to justify Stacism isnt it? Right! I am sorry, but I feel so confused after reading the comments. He was 18 with a full brain and shouldve thought about his actions before doing them. An accident is turning the corner at normal speed and hitting themstreet racing at 100 mph is stupidity that should be severely punished. The police office testified to that in court and there were no skid marks. Ask yourself, will locking up a child who will then become something horrible in prison justice for anyone? Giving him a slap of the hand will create a different type of monster while at the same time sending a bad message to other young people tgat may decide to be just as reckless and irresponsible. Even if I keep to the speed, it always depends on when a pedestrian crosses the street. many users from tik tok signed a petition for his release. If a pedestrian walks 165 feet in front of me on the street, I cannot brake in time and I have often experienced this situation. He does not deserve to spend practically his entire life in prison for an accident. But all you did was compare Cameron with those psycho killers. Wenn er hsslich oder sogar durchschnittlich aussah, wrden die Leute seiner Situation nicht annhernd so viel Aufmerksamkeit schenken. But Ive seen many girls defending him because they thought he was too pretty to be in jail so I believe that they also should be educated about how wrong their behavior is. But they shared everything among themselves. You said the people who say that the accident was unintentional are wrong because car racing in streets is intentional. Youre not normal! I know a young boy and got 24 years for what he did, I think there are an awful lot of people who killed, for example, 5 years is still planned and intentionally get maybe only 10 years. Jessica and her daughter will never be forgotten but time will heal her familys anguish. After this massive twist and arguments about Cameron Herrin and his car accident, do you still think that beauty privilege doesnt control our thoughts, opinions, and relations with people? Yhe young generation is not sympathizing him because of his looks. #6 All 3 men graduated from the same expensive Catholic School. Sorry for the long post heres a bad looking potato (). Hola yo me me puse a llorar cuando vi el caso de Cameron Herrn el es un buen chico pero por hacer las cosas mal le quito la vida a una nia que no puedo conocer el mundo casarse tener hijos graduarse etc. So alot of people say hes too cute to be in jail or hes to young NO he is 21 years old which is a grown adult. According to investigations, Herrin was driving over 160 kph when he hit the mother and her daughter. He probably deserves more years. 4) for some who say 24 is too longdarling, 24 years is nothing compared to the husbands eternal loss of his wife and child and last i checked they didnt include speeding and illegal racing so it could be longer Shame on you for your indifference to the family of the victims,the victims of this unconscious criminal. The dad is really forgiving man, if i was him there will be no more bone. He was NOY racing upon impact. And as others have stated he was warned several times about speeding before this incident. He should get the punishment but of car racing in streets. While I realise that a crime is a crime no matter what, but these psychos did all the crime intentionally with a plan. What?! Baleset vagy szndkossg! What is the lesson you want for him? You know who was young? My heart goes out to the family who lost their loved ones, it was such a tragedy. He pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide, a second-degree felony, and illegal racing, a first-degree misdemeanor. In western culture its a big deal to drive fast. I just wish punishments were more consistent across the board. Oh wow a criminal psychologist huh. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. , Uber offers free vaccination rides to Cairo International Convention Center as part of global pledge. He regrets everything that happened, cannot switch it back to normal testified that he feels for the loss of 2 lives via his hands and will remember his entire life . Would u get second chance in Jannah. He has already enjoyed 21 years of his life and he can enjoy another 40-45 years of his life after release from jail. My opinion is 6- 8 years max. La acea vreme, Cameron Herrin avea 18 ani i conducea un Ford Mustang pe strzile din . This punishment is necessary to establish deterrence in our society by saving other lives who can be killed for overspeeding. January 6, 2023, 12:01 pm, by No one is saying he doesnt deserve prison time but 24 years is a life sentence to a 21 y o. I am not supporting Cameron because of his looks mistakes happen it is not like he plan to murder someone accidents happen in life but to sentence him to 24 years is a very harsh punishment it is enough of a punishment that he has to live with it. For those of you who dont really understand the difference between an accident and a murder should probably know it by now. 18 is a teen. This means that pedestrians have to be just as careful as the driver and not just cross the street without looking. Herrin, who was close to 60mph above the speed limit, lost control of his vehicle and hit the mother and daughter. Ms Amerikban 6 vet kap ilyen balesetrt! He knew about the people dying on Bayshore Blvd because of speeding cars, and those cars werent going as fast as he was. His true identity revealed, Who are Athena Brownfields parents? Those who think that he is kid nd didnt know the concequences of his actions. first , hes 21, so not young. We are not asking to release him. I wish the mother and her baby could have had a second chance.Their life was taken away by an irresponsible man. In Camerons case it was totally unintentional he would have never thought in his nightmare he would land at such situation. And for him, two friends came and they all suggested that they drive well at high speed, that there is actually one video where they are taken fast, in fact, someone or the car is leaving Cameron. Hibzott! Sajnos akkor sem kapja vissza a csaldjt az apa ha 6 vet vagy 24 vet kap Cameron! I agree with what you are saying about the mom and daughter he killed That was reckless, stupid and totally avoidable. In May 2018, the then-18-year-old Cameron, his brother Tristan Herrin, and friend John Barrineau were arrested for contributing to the fatal crash that killed Jessica and Lillia. Okay that is! Just because many people overspeed in an empty street, doesnt mean its okay to do so. I heartily impressed by your blog and learn more from your article, thank you so much for sharing with us. This is why teenagers act stupidly; they are incapable of rational thinking, or at least their rational thinking is not nearly at the level as those of us with fully developed prefrontal cortexes. Of course you are. At the trial it was confirmed that he had no previous convictions until the accident. Previously, he had calls from the police, but he continued to ignore it. Herrin appealed his sentencing, but no news of when or if he'll be eligible for parole anything soon. Go and click this https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+the+speed+limit+of+tampa+bayshore+boulevard&rlz=1C1GCEB_enAU935AU935&oq=what+is+the+s&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l3j69i57j69i59j69i60l3.3693j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 dumbass???! 2020-2023 El-Shai.com. Remlem t rtkelik a bntetst! case Its manslaughter. He made a stupid tragic mistake. Yeah yeah correct, the court, judge and police are sooo evil, they didnt check the engines speed, nor did they verify he was ILLEGALY racing when the incident happened. Law recognizes that hes a human with full brain and he shouldve thought about the consequences of his acts before doing them. You accepted the money. How can you sympathized with a criminal who intentionally killed two innocent beatiful souls? Being 18 does not always mean that you are a complete adult or you are being the most responsible human being in the whole world. Cameron Herrin Parents & Ethnicity:- 21-year-old Cameron Herrin was sentenced to prison for 24 years for killing a mother and daughter after speeding on Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa, Florida . December 30, 2020, 3:38 pm, by I dont think i need explanation to that!? 18 year olds have common sense. Taking away the life of a 21 y o for a mistake he made when he was 18 will not being Jessica and Lillia back. He didnt get away with shit! Of course being sexually attractive isnt an excuse to be acquitted of a crime but then isnt this guy going to jail after all? For all of these people who consider this to be an incident, Id love to see you having your wife and daughter or any family member get killed because of someone elses amusement and see if youd still consider it that way. Since when crossing the street can be illegal? Speeding and two counts of vehicular manslaughter. Yes, he does. Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning. Streetracing is no accident. The defense and the prosecution would argue on the appropriate sentence, and a judge would make the final decision. Yet you would not care at all if he was ugly. We do not sympathize with him for the sake of handsomeness.. You are wrong.. Mariam Nowar So not only is he not getting away with murder but he is facing stiffer penalties then most. Today I have read more than five hundred comments on Instagram where it is said, Beautiful people should not rot in jail, He is handsome, he would gladly let me run over. Do you want me to continue? All we are saying that 24 years is too much to realise his mistake. Cameron Herrin Parents & Ethnicity:- 21-year-old Cameron Herrin was sentenced to prison for 24 years for killing a mother and. I wouldnt want to go out for a walk and get run over by an irresponsible man who thinks hes in Fast & Furious. This street where the accident happened did not have a pedestrian crossing. There is no place for Hybristophiles in a civilized society. The fact that youre proving yourself to be those dumbass defenders, exactly what this article is saying! Stop pretending you care about Justice, just admit youre driven by your pathetic sexual attraction to whites, you disgusting human being. 24 years arent enough. Dont forget the mother was 23 at the time. I would like to say a few words about this tragedy, I know that everyone has an opinion and I respect it, there are two groups that agree with Camerons punishment and the first group is that I would like him to get even more years than he deserves. . On 2021s World Population Day, heres what you need to know about Egypts Population. Getentrepreneurial.com: Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. Define it.. this was an accident to where all evidence shows she was j walking she wasnt deaf or blind.. and 30 to 40 mph isnt racing.. stop spreading lies..I live in the area and no normal person would even attempt crossing that road.. let alone with ur baby.. what was her state of mind? If he didnt think about the consequences of street racing then thats his fault for not thinking ahead. An accident? What is the use of throwing a person into an overcrowded prison system? Im a criminal psychologist and I think youre a psychopath. So he deserves a 2 Nd chance . It could be 10 or 15. Again, Jessica was LEGALLY crossing the road on a crosswalk. I doubt he will even serve half of that, A young mother and her innocent baby that lost their lives because of his mistake. Posts Tagged "will cameron herrin get parole". Angry Rosaline Elbay: Hollywoods New Egyptian Star, Egyptian Belly Dancer Lucy Under Fire for Allegedly Assaulting 3 Co-Stars In Front of a Live Audience, Celebrating Karima Mokhtars 89th Birthday And her Google Doodle: 7 Facts About Our Favorite TV Mama, Vodafones First Digital Sustainability Report in Egypt Raises The Bar On ESG Transparency, Rotana Musics Full Catalog Is Now on Spotify, After Womens Education Ban, Taliban States that Womens Rights Are Not Priority, https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+the+speed+limit+of+tampa+bayshore+boulevard&rlz=1C1GCEB_enAU935AU935&oq=what+is+the+s&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l3j69i57j69i59j69i60l3.3693j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8, 7 Middle Eastern Desserts Better than Egyptian Desserts. 3) i see some tiktokers even comparing this to a muslim man forgiving his childs murderersorry to say that murderer still got his sentence so even if the husband forgive the boy he still has to go to jail Omar Bakry Every driver who gets into his car knows that he can always have an accident. So whats the social media users response to this? Even if it was unintentional he still killed two peoples! I mean 102 mph we are not talking 30 40. Wow !!! Also, he admitted to what he did. When Herrin was 18-years-old, he hit the mother and . Theres a thing called Law and Jail for a reason! Cameron is innocent, court should forgive ? u do it on purpose. First of all the entire premise is nonsense. *. As they were against Cameron ruining Jessica and Lilias life, they are actually ruining his life too. Please think before you speak. It doesnt matter who died, point is they still died due to an irresponsible driver. Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. You clearly no ability to rationally think things through before saying it was an accident. OMG!! This is such a sad thing to see, so many real criminals getting off with a slap on the wrist but this kid getting 24 years for an accident. People make mistakes. I agree I feel terrible for Cameron Herrin sentence for 24yrs. A boulevard( a road by the sea) with bicycle roads attached left and right. Stupid mistakes we all made? He totally needs to pay for actions! Soon after Herrin was sentenced to 24 years in prison in 2021 . January 9, 2023, 4:37 pm, by Its difficult to call it an accident because as I stated, its common sense that when you drive a car at such a crazy speed, you could crash into a car or hit someone and cause death or fatal damage. That being said, the other side of that coin is, what if he was your son? I cant see how his beauty helped him out of the troubleon the contrary he was crucified for the sake of general prevention and won 24 years of imprisonment ? Did he want to hurt anybody? Oh, and he was also committing a crime by speeding. A tanra is nyilatkozott hogy srva jrt be a suliba! He said even 80 years is insufficient but 24 is no different. Most people showed empathy to his case and claimed that he shouldnt be sentenced to 24 years, . as a message to others not to do so!!! him please. What kind of monster are you defending someone who killed 2 people? September 1, 2020, 10:02 pm. im so disgusted & embarrassed to be living in this world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 18,19, are both teenagers. If he accidentally dropped a whole pack of glass bottles on the floor, or failed a semester in school, then okay that would have been a stupid mistake. Cameron Herrin had his part of fault but giving someone a sentence of twenty-four years is a bit too harsh. These are nothing but token words. Parent partly to blame. Cameron Herrin has been at the center of . , youve probably come across pictures of a young man with blue eyes, wearing a suit and a black mask, standing in a law court. That mother and daughter are together in heaven. He is still going to prison and Ted Bundy was executed. Im sure the count would be less. The users behind the campaign tagged Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and President Joe Biden pleading for Herrins leniency. Cameron and Johns attorneys entered pleas of not guilty to two charges of vehicular homicide. Hell be hardened by his time in jail. This sentence absolutely need to be reconsidered. Everything you need to know, Who is Gabriel Iglesias wife? Bots are straightforward. He shouldve thought of the consequences before doing such an act. For me personally this case ist difficult. The fact that he took two lives cannot be removed, no matter how many colors you put on it. Mariam Nowar Let me tell them that ignorance of law is no excuse. He isnt a teen. Reem Tarek Who ever names this crime an accident lacks common sense. So what privilege does he have? Its about having more awareness and a sense of responsibility and understanding. While he didnt come out with the intention of taking lives, from the moment he decided to speed, he had to wonder if tragedy could happen. He deserves blame, yes, but society also deserves the blame. Very sad for all, and mostly for the two lost lives and their family. In December 2020, the attorneys revealed that they had entered separate plea agreements with prosecutors. im sure even the victims family would hav forgiven him coz THAT would be an accident. His mom is an executive at state farm and never explained an automobile is the same as a loaded gun. Surely not. Only God knows the way how to lead such a young soulto come to Him at last! Trust me, people unconciously treat pretty people nicer. A public apology? So what's the social media users' response to this? Does anyone drive here ?? We are all human beings. Stacy is your name and you wrote all this BS. Excuse me, what the f*ck? January 18, 2023, 12:44 pm, by i really hope their family never sees these tiktoks. Its ridiculous. But the accident was unintentional. Ha jl tudom a csald elg j krtrtst kapott, tudom ezzel nem kapja vissza a csaldjt, de a pnzt zsebre rakta a srcra meg a maximumot krte!ki nem hibzott mg? OMG And some murderers even get away with 2 to 3 years of sentencing. The speed limit there is 43 miles. Its different when someone repents over a mistake they have done . At that age he did not understand the consequences of his action. Sorry for my bad english but i hope it is understandable. It is a mental illness. #2 Jessica was LEGALLY crossing the crosswalk with her baby daughter in the late morning. .. it is so hard and painful for him now no one can hug him to support his parents is not close, Pienso igual que t y para m la belleza es irrelevante lo que me impacto fue que hacia dos das acabada de cumplir 18 aos y de graduarse en el colegio catholic high school con buenas calificaciones siempre en el seno de sus padres no era un chico problemtico ni pandillero juvenil no tena cuentas con las leyes, por est razn me solidarizo con Cameron y lo apoyo y lo seguir apoyando lamento lo que le pas a Jessica y a su hija pero la intencin de Cameron no era matar a nadie cometi un grave error el horror que ha estado viviendo nada ms de pesar en que ayer era un nio ya hoy soy adulto que todos me estn acusando y sealando por favor est pagando en carne propia por lo que hizo y meter a la crcel tanto aos a un joven que pudiera ser un profesional que necesita la nacin se va a perder en un calabozo pudieron haberle dado otro castigo y menos aos si Dios permiti que el quedar vivo fue por algn propsito un segundo chance pero no todos lo entierran vivo en una crcel y despus preguntan por qu estamos viviendo tantas catstrofes en el mundo por la misma maldad del hombre por su misma injusticia por la falta de perdn exiten en los corazones Dios ya perdono a este muchacho porque se me en su mirada que lo est y no se cansa de decirse da a da como hubiese vuelto el tiempo atrs no haber hecho lo que hice por que estuvieran vivas Jessica y su hija y yo estara en mi hogar junto a mis padres eso es lo que se dice da a da es joven que pudo haber sido el medico que ustedes necesitaran en la emergencia del hospital o el contratista que el construyera su casa pero ahora que ser en 24 aos? Killing a another soul ? what if he killed someone you knew youd be singing a different tune. May not have parents alive at that time or any support system in place. Mint sok fiatal csak vagnykodott, nem gondolt bele hogy egy letre fjdalmat okoz sok embernek s persze magnak is! Besides that , only the judge can determine which punishment is suitable, not us. Its a totally different story. His attorneys had tried to portray him as a caring person who had no intention to kill anybody. The victim family blamed them as well and did it always by media. Everybody should be the same in front of justice. Why the need to ruin one persons life and make an example of him to deter others. Catholic School have a pedestrian crosses the street and did it always depends on a... 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